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Over the course of my study I worked on multiple academic as well as other projects. I had tons of fun while doing all of them and also built my skill set in the process. 

Awareness about Body Shaming

Creative Director and Cast

I worked with a team to come up with the concept and make a video about body shaming. I not only helped in visualizing an idea but also worked as a cast in the video.

You can click on the picture to be directed to the video.

2020-03-28 (2).png

Anubhav : Short Film

Sreenplay Director

As part of college project we had to work on a short film of a specific genre. Anubhav is a thriller short film about a person who suffers from schizophrenia.


Click on the picture to be directed to the film

Zoravar : Web Series

Executive Producer

This was a rather long yet the most fun project I worked on. Highly recommend y'all to watch it! I worked as executive producer on this.

Click on the image to be directed to the video

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